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Please note: Renewal is for current members only.

The Sherwood Flying Club Membership Renewals 2024 / 2025

The Sherwood Flying Club Membership Renewals 2024 / 2025

Renew your Sherwood Flying Club membership for 2024 / 2025 today. Please follow the steps below to renew your membership. More information on the renewal process and on our data protection policies can be found towards the bottom of this page.

Privileges for all classes of membership are defined in the club rules. Temporary membership is for two months and applies to instructional flights only.


Selecting this box indicates that you shall comply with the SFC Club Rules, Regulations & Standing Orders as published on the SFC website. These may be amended from time to time and notification will be provided to members via the online messaging system. Please click here to review the current SFC club rules and regulations.


I shall comply with the requirements of the SFC ATO Operations Manual for the conduct of all flying related activities. This manual is published on the SFC online training portal (hard copy in the clubhouse) - new revisions to this manual will be published periodically and will be notified to members via the online messaging system.



You will not be able to fly club aircraft and will be removed from our on-line booking system if you have not renewed by 1st August 2024. If you have not renewed your membership by 1st October 2024, you will be removed from our database and a new ‘Application for Membership’ form must be filled out which will be considered at the next meeting of the Sherwood Flying Club Board of Directors for acceptance. No renewal forms will be accepted after this date.


The Sherwood Flying Club takes the privacy of your personal data seriously and the information you provide will be used solely for administration purposes for dealing with you as a member of the club. We have a Data Privacy Policy which can be found at, a copy of which is also on display at the clubhouse. In making this application you are giving your agreement to the use of your data in accordance with this policy.